Opinion What not to do when trying to reduce alcohol consumption

Taking time to eat will also stop you from drinking quickly and exceeding your drinking limits. Our full range of treatment options and personalized treatment plans ensure every client gets expert care that meets their needs. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

It can be hard to stop if you frequently drink or binge drink. You might even end up drinking a few drinks from time to time. There are things you can do to avoid binge drinking or stop altogether. However, not every strategy will work for you, so you’ll have to understand what causes you to binge drink. And a more recent 2021 study showed that binge drinkers are more likely to also abuse other substances, such as the misuse of prescription drugs.

Seeking support

When you drink like this, you consume enough alcohol over the course of two hours to raise your blood alcohol concentration to the legal limit of intoxication (0.08 percent in the U.S.) or higher. That translates to about four or more drinks for an adult female or five or more drinks for an adult male. When you hear the term “binge drinking,” you might picture wild high school or college parties. Some research even shows that the habit is increasing among older adults.

how to stop binge drinking

It’s possible to develop a better relationship with alcohol and make more mindful, informed choices about drinking without total sobriety. Becoming more aware of your alcohol triggers and reasons for drinking can help you plan ways to help manage the urge to drink. Maybe you don’t think you depend on alcohol exactly, but you still wonder whether you might be drinking too much. In addition to feeling less anxious and having better digestion, you may notice bigger changes a few months into sobriety. For instance, your doctor might find that your heart and liver are in better shape, or your skin may have a certain new glow. “Drinking to get drunk is dangerous, and cannot be a worse strategy.

Binge Drinking Prevention

This could be due to alcohol poisoning or unintentional injury or accident due to intoxication. One study found that nearly half of alcohol-related deaths in the United States were due to binge drinking. However, if a person is binge drinking, their liver cannot keep up with the amount of alcohol in the body. As the blood is circulated, alcohol affects all organs and tissues in the body. Binge drinking is the most common type of excessive alcohol use by far. In the United States, about 1 in 6 adults binge drink, and 25% of those people binge drink weekly.

how to stop binge drinking

Some options may include finding replacement activities or seeking professional help. Just because binge drinking is normalized in many settings does not mean that it is healthy or even safe. You can take steps to prevent binge drinking, like avoiding situations in which it is likely to occur, saying “no” when offered a drink, or making a commitment to yourself not to drink. Other social events—such as weddings, parties, reunions, conferences, networking, and more—can all involve alcohol and cultures that support binge drinking. Read on to learn more about the health effects of binge drinking and how to stop.

Everything You Should Know About Binge Drinking

The amount of water each person should drink daily depends on various factors. Thus, it’s best to listen to your body and drink when you feel thirsty to ensure you’re staying well hydrated. Summary Practicing mindfulness can help you recognize when you’re no longer hungry, which can improve your eating behaviors and reduce the incidence of binge eating. One small, 2-month study showed that eating one large meal per day increased levels of blood sugar and the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin to a greater extent than eating three meals per day (4).

You might consider learning a new skill, joining a sports team or immersing yourself in new music or books to fill your time. If water seems too plain, choose another non-alcoholic beverage, such as a soft drink, and alternate this drink with alcoholic beverages. Like drinking water, pausing for a soft drink will slow the pace of alcohol consumption so you can stick to a reasonable limit. In this article, we outline how much alcohol is classed as a binge, the effects it can have, and what you can do to stay safe when drinking alcohol.

Could You Be A Binge Drinker?

Aim to squeeze in at least 8 hours per night to keep your appetite in check and reduce your risk of binge eating. Summary Studies show that exercising can reduce the risk of binge eating and decrease stress levels. Summary Yoga can help prevent binge eating and may reduce common triggers like stress, depression, and anxiety. Summary Drinking more water can keep you feeling full to decrease calorie intake and prevent binge eating. Understanding your drinking habits can help determine which strategy is best for you.

Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Framing sobriety as a temporary challenge versus a permanent lifestyle change can make it easier to stay sober for the long haul. No matter your situation, Dr. Das emphasizes the power of enlisting help as you embark on a life sans booze. For example, the connection between alcohol and depression is well established. It leaves around 60% of people in alcohol treatment also needing mental health treatment.

Binge Drinking

Therapy is an incredibly effective tool for both changing your relationship with alcohol, addressing co-occuring mental health conditions, and learning to tolerate uncomfortable emotions without drinking. A pattern of binge drinking over a period of time can leave permanent damage on parts of the brain that impact how you https://ecosoberhouse.com/ experience pleasure and practice self-control. These changes make it harder to say no to alcohol, which a person continues to use to temporarily relieve themselves of feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, or guilt. When you think of binge drinking, young adults, particularly college students, may spring to mind.

how to stop binge drinking