How to Make Work Friends When You Work Remotely

A quick follow-up message is the perfect way to transition that random comment from a meeting into a long-term conversation (and maybe friendship). Even the introverts among us have a need for some type of human connection at work. Long-standing research has shown that 72 percent of people who report having a “work bestie” are satisfied with their jobs, compared to 54 percent of those who don’t have a best friend at work. Because it turns out that connecting with other people at work is not only good for your mental health, it’s good for your job performance. People who know how to fix miscommunication and better interact with their coworkers usually have more chances to influence and build better teams positively. In addition, it’s easy to binge on unhealthy foods, so ensure you have healthy snacks in the kitchen, with a water bottle at your desk to keep hydrated throughout the day.

The league will put you on one, giving you the unique opportunity to meet people with different backgrounds and interests. Just because you’re in the market for new friends doesn’t mean your colleagues are, Duffy says. Lots of companies have social channels, alumni channels, and community channels on Slack or Microsoft Teams. Join them and don’t be afraid to contribute to or spark a conversation. Give them their space, and consider connecting with colleagues who are more public and open to interacting on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and beyond. That colleague who’s always sharing recipes and photos of the gorgeous meals they make on their personal blog will probably appreciate your likes and comments on their posts.

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You can start by talking to your co-workers, joining a social media group for people in your area, or attending events that are related to your interests. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even start your own company or group. Whatever you do, don’t let social distancing prevent you from meeting new people and making new friends. You can also attend events or meetups that are held at coffee shops.

  • Experts Nancy Baym, Jonathan Larson and Ronnie Martin from Harvard Business Review argue that these connections define social capital.
  • There are probably plenty of other people in your area who work remotely and travel.
  • Many of us are now more likely to have remote or hybrid jobs than before the pandemic.
  • Whatever your niche is, chances are there is a professional development conference that caters to it.
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  • The more friends we repot, according to one study, the deeper the friendships.

Introducing yourself to your colleagues virtually and greeting them can be a great way to interact with your virtual colleagues. Now that you have stopped talking about work, start sharing stories. According to a meta-analysis (which combines data from multiple studies), people like people who disclose details about themselves.

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Coworking spaces are designed for remote workers who crave the community of office space. They can be a good way to build friendships as there are opportunities to engage and participate in group activities similar to a typical work environment. Besides WeWork which is in most cities, search for independent coworking spaces in your city and You’d be surprised what you find. The Croissant app is a great tool that can help you find other options.

In these remote work times, some of the more natural opportunities for praise – like head nodding in a meeting or a quick “nice work! Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work, so take how to make friends when you work from home a minute to send a text or an email letting someone know you noticed them. Some offices may have rules about your background, but if yours allows for some personalization, consider that.

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You should firmly believe that you’re the biggest advocate of your own happiness and urge to make friends. So even if you’ve suffered from burnout or loneliness, make yourself the harbinger of good things to come. Nothing says that you need to go out into the real world necessarily to learn how to make friends when you work from home. Sometimes, it’s the easiest and most obvious things that work better than others. Working remotely doesn’t have to be a solitary endeavor, especially now that more people are doing it and getting comfortable connecting with one another online using a variety of tools and apps.

how to make friends when you work from home

Today, we are going to look at some of the best tips on how to meet new people when you work from home. But interacting doesn’t always have to mean hopping on a video call. Fill in the gaps by joining conversations in Slack, sharing emoji reactions, and liking social posts. The more you engage with a person, the stronger a professional relationship—and personal friendship—you can build. While having someone to share our stresses and successes with at work can definitely be a blessing, navigating workplace friendships isn’t always easy.

Here are useful tips on how to make friends when you work remotely

However, I’m struggling to get out from behind the screen and have real conversations. In a world that makes it easy to hide behind our computers, what are surefire tools to get me out of my comfort zone and into the world? Because, you know, working from home, it does have its benefits, like a flexible schedule and time freedom and, hey, you get to choose whether or not you want to wear pants.

  • There are loads of ways to grow a company – learn about our approach here.
  • It says something about you and lets people see what you have in common.
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  • If you know anyone who struggles with loneliness or social isolation, share this post.
  • Don’t stop there – here’s where you can really connect with some new faces by planning out some office-adjacent fun.
  • But you want to know what makes people really interested in you?

This will keep the channel of communication open so that your new found friendship is not just a one hit wonder. Joining Virtual Vocations grants you access to our hand-picked remote jobs database. Resume assessments and writing, LinkedIn profile enhancement, and cover letter writing are available to maximize the success of your remote job applications. Discounts on all services available to subscription members, become one now. As infections dropped, people had somehow forgotten how to return to their normal lives.